My Cancer Journey Continues

by Super User

Since I wrote my last blog, I’ve been concerned that my choice of language was deceiving. Stating that I’m cancer-free is how I feel about my current situation, but truthfully, I’ll never live without breast cancer. Once you receive that diagnosis, breast cancer becomes part of you…like brown eyes.

For me, it is important to concentrate on NOT having cancer where it used to be. Can cancer be nearby or somewhere else? Yes, it always can. But, the surgeon removed the cancer, there is no cancer in the lymph nodes and if there are any stray cancer cells, radiation therapy should take care of them.

By no means has my cancer treatment been completed. There’s radiation and perhaps hormone therapy. Hormone therapy is of some concern because I had a blood clot when I was pregnant. I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.

Also currently, there is a discussion about whether the margins from my tumor are large enough. In very simple terms, the pathologist looks at the tumor and measures how much space there is between the cancer and the end of the tumor. If there is space, then most likely all the cancer was removed. Notice I said “most likely”. Nothing is 100% guaranteed, but that’s life, isn’t it? I’m waiting for a call from my surgeon regarding the margins. There is a chance that he may have to go back and cut a little more. I’ll let you know. Update: Before finishing up this blog, I received the call from the surgeon. He says that 1/2 hour more of surgery will save me two weeks, plus two days of radiation. Well, if you put it that way…

As I’ve been saying from the beginning, I’m watching very carefully for ways to make this process be a positive for me and hopefully for others. I did get in touch with a representative at the hospital and explained a situation that occurred when I was there for my surgery that I felt could be easily rectified and help many others in that same situation. Hopefully, a change is happening at Emory as I write this.

I have had two friends admit that they need to schedule mammograms. As soon as I finish writing this blog, I’m going to reach out to them again to see if they have followed through. Please message me if you need to schedule your mammogram and I’ll pester you until you do!

There is some exciting news about a jazz concert and me establishing a connection with the performer who just happens to run a foundation that helps those with cancer. That will have to wait for a future blog, but it’s coincidentally cool.

Another positive for me was watching my son, who is starting medical school next week, handle this whole situation. Without sounding like I’m bragging (yeah, right!) I think he’s going to be an amazing doctor. He stayed with me for two weeks starting with the biopsy right through the lumpectomy. He remained calm when his dad and I were panicking, but he never glossed over the truth. Hopefully, this experience will stick with him and help him when dealing with his many, many patients throughout the coming years.

A personal positive is that breast cancer has given me motivation to get my act together. I’m eating better and trying to get my weight where it should be. I was walking over two miles a day prior to the diagnosis, so I’m continuing with that and plan to improve on it. I’m saying adios to red meat (again!). I had stopped eating it a few years back and then I got lazy. Fruits and vegetables are my best friends. Speaking of best friends, it helps to have some of those too! I’m blessed to have a bunch.

These blogs aren’t easy for me to write. I don’t want to sound too casual about my breast cancer, but I don’t want to sound all gloom and doom either. It’s hard to find the right balance. Also, I always want to relate this back to Reality Rally and Michelle’s Place. Hopefully reading a first hand account of my going through this experience will give you an idea what breast cancer patients go through and how very important Michelle’s Place is in helping patients navigate this complicated path. Soon Reality Rally will begin its campaign for 2016 funds. Keep your checkbook handy!

Stay tuned…Bloggergal

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